Similar architecture and layout.

The architecture that create similar intersection beautify the serenity of two objects and two humane in a quiet road junction.

"The hideous smile"

A cafe where people annouced the love to the world by scribbling nonsense and chit chatting in poetry and rhythm.

A theatre filled with organized empty seats conquered the serenity that anticipate the gathering of the impatient well-dressed indian man to occupied the seats that unite as one to observe and enjoyed,shown the cuture of the place.

A messy grassland filled with the determined seagulls spreads their wings to communicate and chit chat with hundred of indian man with strong bond of love soaring up the sky and reach the destination which shown the cuture there.

"The intersection of cuture"

An Abandoned dark alley filled with dangerous indian man sitting and lieing beside those bricky shop houses that wait for their love ones to appear shown the tiredness and stressful in life, discourage people to walk through it.
A road side filled with moving vehicles contained a rusty blue door which is isolated had encourage people to sleep peacefully and open the door to enter another dimension, affected their emotions.

"Spiritual space"